How Much Money Do You Need to Buy a Condo?

When purchasing a dream home in the Windy City,  prospective buyers commonly ask, “How much money do you need to buy a condo?” This financial move involves more than just the purchase price, and understanding the full scope of expenses is essential for a sound investment.

In this post, we’ll explore the various costs involved in buying a condo and offer insights into budgeting and financial planning.

How Much Money Do You Need to Buy a Condo?

  1. Down Payment: Your initial down payment is a significant part of the total cost of buying a condo. The typical down payment for a condo in Chicago is around 5% to 10% of the purchase price—the larger your down payment, the lower your monthly mortgage payments. Also, note that the average Chicago condo price tag is $438,000.
  2. Closing Costs: In addition to the down payment, you’ll need to budget for closing costs, which include appraisal fees, inspection fees, insurance, and other miscellaneous expenses. Keep in mind these costs can add several thousand dollars to your purchase.
  3. Monthly Expenses: Once you’ve purchased your condo, you’ll have ongoing monthly expenses to consider. These include insurance, electricity, gas, other utilities and homeowners’ association (HOA) fees. HOA fees cover exterior maintenance, amenities, and communal services.
  4. Additional Costs: Beyond the basics, there are other expenses and condo fees to consider. Moving costs, renovations, and furnishing your condo can add to your initial outlay. You can also prepare for property taxes annually.
  5. Reserve Funds: These are funds used for maintaining the long-term financial health of the condominium complex. They are crucial for covering unexpected expenses or necessary repairs. Understanding the strength of the condo association’s reserve funds is vital to assessing its financial stability and potential assessments.

Determining a Comfortable Budget

To set a solid budget for your condo purchase, start by conducting an affordability assessment. Take into account your monthly income, existing debts, and other expenses to establish a clear picture of what you can afford. If you would like to enlist the help of an expert in the process, consider teaming up with a financial advisor.

First-Time Condo Buyers

If you’re a first-time condo buyer, it’s essential to know how much you should spend. A standard guideline is that your monthly housing costs, including mortgage, HOA fees, property taxes, and insurance, should not exceed 30% of your monthly income. Ensure you have an emergency fund in place and that your other financial goals, such as retirement savings, are not compromised.

Additionally, you’ll want to get pre-approved for a mortgage, work with an experienced real estate professional, and conduct thorough research on the condo complex and the neighborhood. With the right guidance, you can navigate the complexities of buying a condo with confidence.

Keep in mind that condo insurance differs from townhouse insurance.

Saving Up

Before buying your condo, it’s wise to save up an emergency fund and have a substantial down payment. The larger your down payment, the better the terms you may secure on your mortgage. Plus, having savings can provide a safety net for unexpected expenses.

With this information, we hope you feel better equipped to answer, “How much money do you need to buy a condo?” By understanding the costs involved, assessing your budget, and saving prudently, you can soundly invest in your dream condo.

Our team at Luxury Living is here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring that your condo purchase is a seamless and rewarding experience. Connect with us today!


Chicago Living Expenses You'll Need to Consider

Financing Tips and Advice for First-Time Homebuyers

We sat down with the Senior Vice President of Lending for Guaranteed Rate, Michael Bencks, to talk about financing tips and advice including some of the most common financing questions for first-time homebuyers, the point at which you should get in touch with a lender, interest rates, home buying programs to take advantage of, and more.

The Most Common Financing Questions for First-Time Homebuyers

The most common questions everyone asks when meeting with a lender are “What is my monthly payment?”, “How much cash do I need to close?”, or “What’s the most we’re pre-approved for?” Instead of leading with those questions, Michael encourages first-time homebuyers to think about financing a bit differently. Most people can get pre-approved for way more than what they are willing to pay for monthly. So instead of starting with the big number, Michael suggests to work backwards. Instead, he suggests for buyers to think of a number you want going out the door every month, which can include interest, taxes, insurance, etc. From there, a good lender should be able to reverse engineer a down payment and a mortgage so you aren’t left surprised when you get to the monthly payment.

At What Point Should You Get in Touch With a Lender? 

Instead of shopping around for homes first, consider getting in touch with a lender. “You shouldn’t test drive a Maserati before buying a new car,” says Michael. In other words, it’s important to understand what you can afford before shopping at price ranges too high. This can save you a lot of let down when it comes to understanding what’s realistic in your price range. For example, it’s hard to unsee heated floors and exquisite finishes when those are some of the first features you saw in over-budget homes. 

Interest Rates And Home Buying Programs to Take Advantage Of

Another common question from first time homebuyers is “What is your rate?” But it’s not as simple as that. You may see an amazing interest rate online and yes, it does exist, but it may be difficult to check all the boxes of criteria in order to qualify. When you meet with a lender, you begin to uncover which types of rates are out there and how you fall into each of them. From there, you’re able to find an interest rate for your own unique situation.

When finding programs to take advantage of during the home buying process, keep in mind there are restrictions and criteria to those as well. For example, you have to be based in a certain zip code or meet certain income requirements for some programs. Michael also mentions that programs are like coupons, you can’t use all 5 at the same time. Find a few programs that are unique to you and pick the best one for your situation.

Differences Between Retail Banks and Mortgage Lenders When it Comes to Home Financing

The biggest difference between financing in retail banks and mortgage lenders is their business models. If you’re planning to go to a retail bank, they tend to only offer a few options for fixed loans. On the other side, if you choose to work with a mortgage lender, you may receive a variety of customized options that suit your needs specifically. Mortgage lenders and retail banks also differ in speed and efficiency. Retail banks have many arms of their business, causing a bit longer lead times. Whereas mortgage lenders typically have fewer people in specialized roles, causing processes to move quicker. Another difference between mortgage lenders and retail banks is their office hours. For retail banks, they have set office hours of 9-5. Michael Benck explains that real estate isn’t just 9-5 and that his team understands there are offers that need to be in at any time of day. For example, Michael likes to think of it as “if there’s something that I can get done in 5 minutes and will decide if someone gets a house for their family, for a shorter commute time, etc., it’s well worth it.”

Homebuying and financing isn’t as tricky as it seems. All you need for a smooth, efficient, and successful homebuying process is your well-equipped team of an attorney, lender, and broker. 

To watch the full IGTV interview with Michael Bencks and Amy Galvin about financing and first-time homebuying, click here. For any questions or concerns you have, connect with our experienced team today.


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