5 Winter Home Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Condo Thriving

Chicago winters can be brutal. Making sure you know how to protect your home from the winter weather is important so that you can have a safe and cost-effective winter. Use these winter home maintenance tips to keep your condo in top shape this winter.

5 Winter Home Maintenance Tips

1. Check Building Rules

First, start off by familiarizing yourself with winter rules for your condo building.

Keep an eye out for any emails or newsletters that might address winterization policies for the building or other things to be aware of as it’s getting cold.

The information provided by your building’s maintenance may answer most of your questions and provide a clear guideline of what to do for the winter.

2. Run a Quick Heat Inspection

Spend some time examining all of the corners, nooks, and crannies of your condo to see where heat might be escaping. This can be done simply with your eyes and hands in no time at all.

If you notice any cracks, holes, or window seals where heat seems to be escaping, plug it up! Take some time with spackle, sealant, or even use a temporary fix of folded towels in order to keep the heat in your condo.

3. Watch out for Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are the worst case scenario for your condo. Make sure if you have any pipes that are not properly insulated or that are on the outside of your building, you are aware of them.

Keep your water running slightly on any faucets that might be at risk for freezing.

Wrap towels or newspaper around exposed pipes to add extra insulation and prevent freezing. Frozen pipes are extremely expensive to replace and can become a huge headache. Anything you can do to prevent frozen pipes is a must! 

4. Dress Warmly, Save Money

You can save a lot of money in the winter by keeping the temperature down a few degrees.

Keep blankets, sweatshirts, and slippers around in the winter season so you can live comfortably without your heat cranked all the way up.

It may be a little less comfortable, but it will make a big difference on your energy bill.

5. Stock Up Early

When winter is around the corner, so take some time to get the essentials before an inevitable snowstorm hits. Having extra bottled water, canned goods, and frozen food can save you from having to leave your condo in extreme cold.

As far as other essentials, having some salt and a shovel for your sidewalk and common areas is a good idea.

If you’re a car owner, make sure you keep a scraper, shovel, and some salt in your car as well.

Having these winter essentials at your condo will come in handy when it gets cold fast and you want to be ready to deal with the snow.

Chicago winters can be tough on all homes. Making sure you’re prepared to keep your condo in top shape when winter rolls around can make a big difference in saving money and staying safe. Spend some time preparing for winter weather so you’ll never be caught off guard!

Looking for a Chicago condo? LLCR can help you find a condo that fits your style and budget. Contact Luxury Living Chicago to start your search!

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