Prep Your Fall Home Maintenance Schedule With These Tips

As seasons change, home maintenance projects often require homeowners’ attention. You can get ahead of the game by proactively planning your fall home maintenance schedule!

Fall Home Maintenance Schedule

Check out some of our top tips for preparing your place for the colder weather:

  1.  Check and change your air filters– This task should be done every three months, so having it completed at the start of every new season will help you remember! If you have severe allergies or pets, filters may need to be changed more frequently. You can purchase new filters from any home improvement store or online. Check out Amazon for easy and affordable options. Just make sure to buy the right size! It may also be worth stocking up and storing your extra filters for future replacements.
  2. Clean the vents- While air filters help catch dust and debris, you may want to turn off your HVAC system and use a duster, soft cloth, or vacuum to clean the vents. Like a clean air filter, it will allow clean air to flow through your condo once you turn on the furnace.
  3. Clean your secondary dryer lint trap– This task has a few distinct benefits. It can prolong the life of your dryer, improve your machine’s ability to dry clothes quickly, and help keep energy bills down. Effectively cleaning this lint trap is fairly easy but requires a few steps. Remove the lint screen and use a handheld vacuum (if you have one) to remove leftover bits of lint. After, wash it in the sink with warm soap and water. While the lint trap is drying, try to use your vacuum to clean the slot the lint trap fits into.
  4. Clean inside window tracks and frame- It may be hard to spot the dust and dirt that collects within and around your windows, but it’s there! Ideally, you want to do a thorough clean at least twice a year- so why not cross this off your list before the winter comes? If you have exterior windows that are not accessible, HOA fees should include this type of cleaning, but it’s worth confirming.
  5. Clean and clear off the outdoor space- If you have a patio or balcony, this is the time to prepare it for the winter months – as you definitely want the space cleared before the snow comes. Remove or cover any outdoor furniture and decor, and clean up any garbage or loose debris.

We hope you feel confident to move forward with your fall home maintenance schedule with these five steps!

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