Find the Condo Living Room Design That Fits Your Style

When it comes to condo living room design, there is a multitude of style options. Use this guide to find what suits you best.

5 Condo Living Room Design Ideas

  1. Modern– If you find yourself living in a sleek high-rise condo, you can carry out this polished look in your own living room by embracing a modern design. A monochromatic color palette, clean lines, minimalism, natural materials, and natural light mark modern design. This style works very well in an open concept room with floor-to-ceiling windows. If you’re considering this route, consider limiting your living room decor and selecting low and long furniture with neutral colors.
  2. Industrial– This aesthetic thrives in urban loft living. Since lofts already boast an industrial look and feel, it’s strategic to follow suit with the rest of the design components. An industrial condo rocks the raw and edgy look. Industrial designs typically feature dark colors and minimal additions to the space, along with exposed beams, brick, and light fixtures.
  3. Scandinavian– This Nordic-inspired home design is a perfect marriage between beauty and functionality. A Scandinavian-inspired living room exhibits a minimal, clean, and cozy feel. It also focuses on simple lines and light spaces, devoid of clutter. Scandinavian colors tend to be neutral and monochromatic – bright, warm whites with black and tan – with pops of color used as accents. Plush pinks, gray blues, and colors rooted in nature, like sage, are frequently used in this design. Natural and organic materials also mark the Scandinavian style. These homes are often full of wood, lightened to fit with a neutral color palette, cotton, wool, and plants.
  4. Farmhouse– This design has gained traction over the years, especially thanks to HGTV. Consider this condo living room design if you’re looking to accentuate or bring out your units rustic charm. It’s a style that prioritizes simplicity and practicality. While farmhouse inspiration is typically drawn from rural and older styles, it also blends in modern comforts for a stylish and comfortable finish. A farmhouse living room may boast a mix-match of furniture and textures while sticking with natural materials and natural color palettes.
  5. Mid-Century Modern– As the name implies, this design gained extreme popularity from about 1945 to 1965. However, recently mid-century modern has made a comeback. This crisp vintage design helps create a warm and nostalgic aesthetic. While the design is more simple in nature, it’s not afraid to embrace a pop of fun color and texture in the mix. Wood furniture remains a key element in this style, especially teak, Rosewood, and oak. The decor within this design also tends to feature simple geometric lines without frills. Metal, glass, and vinyl are also often incorporated.

While these condo living room designs are a great starting place for sparking inspiration, the list is not exhaustive. Not only are there more design styles out there, but you are also never limited to sticking with a single design. Your condo should feel like home, reflecting your style and preferences. You may even find yourself combining elements from various designs to incorporate in your living room.

For more on condo interior design, check out our room-by-room guide below!

Condo Interior Design Ideas: A Room-by-Room Guide

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