Spring Maintenance Checklist for Condo Owners

Spring is the perfect time for cleanups and general maintenance, especially for condo owners.  With the air getting warmer and daylight hours growing longer, you get more opportunities to head back outside to ensure everything is clean, safe, and in order.

Not sure where to start? In this article, we’ve come up with a maintenance checklist for condo owners like you.

Off With the Grime

Spring cleaning and maintenance is never complete without proper scrubbing of all things dirty. This is not just limited to every room and corner of your condo, but also for outside overhangs, the yard, and even window installations. In doing so, you can not only remove potential fire hazards, but you can also spot potential leakages and other signs of wear and tear.

Windows and Doors

  • Are the windows clean from the inside, including the hinges and knobs?
  • Are the windows clean from the outside?
  • Is there any broken glass that needs replacement?
  • Are the door hinges and locks working properly both inside and outside?

Windows are one of the quickest and easiest to clean and spot for any maintenance.  While you can clean the inside of the windows yourself, it’s better off to leave doors and the exterior of windows to the experts.  They have the proper equipment and ample training to carry out the tasks for your safety and convenience.

Roofing, Gutters, and Sidings

  • Have downspouts and gutters been cleaned and flushed with water?
  • Brush or clean your overhangs. Are its soffits and fascia free of any signs of insects, rodents, or birds?
  • Brush or clean the sidings. Do they indicate any signs of being “lived in” by insects like wasps, birds, and such?

While you can easily clean your sidings with long-handled scrub brushes, working with your overhangs is better left up to the professionals.

Dryer Vents and Exhaust Fans

  • Are the dryer vents clean and free of lint?
  • Have the HVAC filters been replaced?
  • Have the HVAC units been tuned up and maintained?

Dryer vents and exhaust fans are magnets for lint, grease, fumes, and other substances which can affect your condo’s airflow and subsequently, your energy bills. These particles are also potential fire hazards and can be a potential breeding grounds for toxic microbes.

While dryer vents and filters can be cleaned by yourself, HVAC units typically need to be regularly checked and tuned up to ensure your unit lasts long and runs properly.

Water System

  • Clean faucet aerators and shower heads.  Are the sprinklers still working?
  • Flush pipes and drainages. Does the water lead away from the house properly?
  • Is there any residue or smell indicating rust or wear and tear within the system?

Flushing is an initial way of checking for any problems within your pipes and drainage. If any indications of rust or an unpleasant smell is present, you might want to seek advice from professional maintenance services.

Mind the Gap

Once you’ve gone through the lists above for general cleanup, you’ll then want to be sure to check for cracks, breaks, and leaks inside and outside your condo. These gaps are indicators of wear and tear and if left unattended to, they could cause more problems as your condo unit gets exposed to the drastic weather changes of spring and the upcoming summer.

Chimneys and Air Vents

  • Are there any cracks, dents, broken bits, or loose mortar?
  • Are there any leaks in the metal flashing?
  • If the chimney or air duct is metal, are there signs of rust?
  • Are there signs of moisture penetration?

If you said “yes” to any of these questions, then you may need to have these checked out by a professional.


Caulking, or caulk, is a sealant used to ensure no moisture, weather elements, molds, mildew, or any unwanted substances leak through the joints and pipes. From windows to pipes, it is important to check for any potential leaks or intrusions:

  • Windows: Particularly between the glass and window frames.
  • Doors: This is especially true for glass doors. Check if handles are properly screwed and glass caulk is still intact.
  • Gutters and pipes: Joints and unions in particular.
  • Vents and exhausts: Screws, bolts, and other fasteners should still be in place and not loose or rusty.
  • Bathroom caulking: These include washbasins, pipes, drainage, and even your toilet.
  • HVAC: If it’s centralized with the entire building you may need to contact your homeowners’ association should there be any problem.

Ideally caulk should last 5+ years, but if you see or suspect any possible signs of deterioration, you may need to look into getting it repaired.

How to Spot for Leaks

As a homeowner, it’s important to know the early indications of leaks so you can save on potential costly repairs.

  • Warped wood: Warped wood is a sign of moisture intrusion.
  • Molds and mildew: Although molds and mildew could be due to overflowing washing machines, this could also be possibly caused by nearby leaks (i.e. the roof or the pipes in the ceiling).
  • Window indicators: Window leaks are often characterized by molds and mildew, hard-to-remove glass stains, and oxidation on frames.
  • Flaking paint: Like warped wood, bumps and flakes in the paint could be an indication of moisture intrusion.
  • Musty smell: You can sense it whenever you crack a window open or switch on your HVAC.
  • Damp spots and stains: Leaks, when in the ceiling, tend to form damp and stained brownish spots. On wallpapers and panels, they could appear as faded stains or discolorations.
  • Energy bill fluctuations in the past months: High energy bills may also mean leaks on windows and doors.

Other things to Consider

There are few other things that are important to check and maintain while you’re in the midst of your spring cleaning and upkeep, including:

  • Testing thermostats and ensuring they are in good working condition.
  • Patios or balconies are scrubbed and removed of any overgrowth, making sure no water runoffs disturb the neighbors below, if there are any.
  • Railings are checked for any repainting, repairs, or replacements needed.

Spring cleaning and repair for condo owners is no walk in the park, which is why a Spring Maintenance checklist is a must!

Although you can do some of this work yourself, it is always best to have an experienced professional come and take a second look if you are ever unsure. Doing so will make your condo not just livable, but also a comfortable, energy-saving, and safe place to live in.


Thank you to Mighty Dog Roofing for writing this guest post.

For over 20 years, Mighty Dog Roofing has been providing high quality roofing services across the country. Our qualified and certified experts can handle roof repair and roof replacement, ensuring that your home has everything it needs to give you a beautiful, comfortable place to live.

If you’re living in or near Columbus, OH, contact Mighty Dog Roofing for your home maintenance needs!

Spring Cleaning Your Condo: 7 Tips to Consider

It’s that time of year again: time to clean up the clutter and get organized! If you’re like most people, your condo could probably use a good spring cleaning. But where do you start? And more importantly, what should you focus on?

In this blog post, we will discuss seven tips for spring cleaning your condo. Follow these tips and you’ll be able to declutter your space and get it organized in no time!

Tip 1: Start with a Closet Clean-Up

Start with cleaning up and taking out everything from your closet. Yes, everything. Even if it’s just for a few hours, empty your closet and give it a good cleaning. This will give you a chance to vacuum or sweep the floor, dust the shelves, and wipe down the walls.

While everything is out of your closet, take this opportunity to sort through your clothes and get rid of anything you don’t wear anymore. Donate clothes that are in good condition or throw away any that are stained or torn. Once you’ve sorted through your clothes, put them back in an organized way so that you can easily find what you’re looking for when you need it.

Tip 2: Declutter, Declutter, Declutter

Next, focus on decluttering your surfaces. Start with countertops, coffee tables, dressers, nightstands, etc. Check every item and give some thought to if you need or not. If it’s not necessary to keep it, then get rid of it. Donate items that are in good condition or throw them away if they’re not.

Once you’ve decluttered your surfaces, move on to decluttering your storage areas. This includes closets, cabinets, drawers, pantries, etc. Again, go through each item and ask yourself if you need it. If the answer is no, get rid of it!

Tip 3: Create a Cleaning Schedule

One of the best ways to keep your condo clean is to create a cleaning schedule and stick to it. Whether you clean once a week or once a month, having a schedule will help you stay on track.

Not sure where to start? Check out this blog post for some tips on creating a cleaning schedule that works for you.

Tip 4: Don’t Forget the Small Things

While you’re focused on decluttering and cleaning your condo, don’t forget about the little things! This includes items like light fixtures, doorknobs, switch plates, air vents, etc.

These are often overlooked but they can make a big difference in the overall look and feel of your space. Take some time to dust or wipe down these items and you’ll be surprised at how much better your condo looks and feels.

Tip 5: Get Rid of Dust and Pet Hair

Another important tip for spring cleaning your condo is to focus on getting rid of dust and pet hair. This can be a tedious task but it’s important to do if you want to keep your condo looking and feeling clean.

Start by dusting all of your surfaces, including countertops, tables, chairs, dressers, etc. Then vacuum or sweep all of your floors. If you have any upholstered furniture, be sure to vacuum or steam clean it as well. And last but not least, don’t forget to dust and vacuum those hard-to-reach places like ceiling fans, baseboards, and under furniture.

Tip 6: Wash Your Windows

Washing your windows is a great way to let in more light and make your space feel brighter and cleaner. If you don’t have time to wash them yourself, hire a professional window washer to do it for you. Either way, make sure you get those windows clean!

Tip 7: Don’t Forget the Outdoors!

Last but not least, don’t forget to focus on the outdoors as well. This includes sweeping your porch or balcony, cleaning your gutters, and trimming any bushes or trees. A little bit of cleaning for your outdoor space can go a long way in making your whole condo look and feel more inviting.

Bonus Tip: Use Natural Cleaners Whenever Possible

When it comes to cleaning your condo, it’s important to use natural cleaners whenever possible. This is not only better for the environment but it’s also better for your health.

There are a lot of great DIY recipes online for natural cleaners that you can use for just about every cleaning task. So ditch the chemicals and go natural! Your condo (and your body) will thank you.

Time to Clean!

So there you have it, seven tips to consider when spring cleaning your condo. By following these simple tips, you’ll be on your way to having the cleanest and most organized condo in a flash.

With a little bit of planning and effort, you can have your condo looking and feeling its best in no time. Happy cleaning!


Thank you to RedBox+ for writing this guest post.

Spring cleaning is best paired with a dumpster for a more organized and smoother clean-up process. The reason for this is that it allows you to get rid of all the unwanted junk and clutter in one go, rather than having to haul it out piece by piece.

This will save you time and energy in the long run, trust us! If you’re living in or near Columbus, OH, contact RedBox+ now to rent a dumpster!

Prep Your Fall Home Maintenance Schedule With These Tips

As seasons change, home maintenance projects often require homeowners’ attention. You can get ahead of the game by proactively planning your fall home maintenance schedule!

Fall Home Maintenance Schedule

Check out some of our top tips for preparing your place for the colder weather:

  1.  Check and change your air filters– This task should be done every three months, so having it completed at the start of every new season will help you remember! If you have severe allergies or pets, filters may need to be changed more frequently. You can purchase new filters from any home improvement store or online. Check out Amazon for easy and affordable options. Just make sure to buy the right size! It may also be worth stocking up and storing your extra filters for future replacements.
  2. Clean the vents- While air filters help catch dust and debris, you may want to turn off your HVAC system and use a duster, soft cloth, or vacuum to clean the vents. Like a clean air filter, it will allow clean air to flow through your condo once you turn on the furnace.
  3. Clean your secondary dryer lint trap– This task has a few distinct benefits. It can prolong the life of your dryer, improve your machine’s ability to dry clothes quickly, and help keep energy bills down. Effectively cleaning this lint trap is fairly easy but requires a few steps. Remove the lint screen and use a handheld vacuum (if you have one) to remove leftover bits of lint. After, wash it in the sink with warm soap and water. While the lint trap is drying, try to use your vacuum to clean the slot the lint trap fits into.
  4. Clean inside window tracks and frame- It may be hard to spot the dust and dirt that collects within and around your windows, but it’s there! Ideally, you want to do a thorough clean at least twice a year- so why not cross this off your list before the winter comes? If you have exterior windows that are not accessible, HOA fees should include this type of cleaning, but it’s worth confirming.
  5. Clean and clear off the outdoor space- If you have a patio or balcony, this is the time to prepare it for the winter months – as you definitely want the space cleared before the snow comes. Remove or cover any outdoor furniture and decor, and clean up any garbage or loose debris.

We hope you feel confident to move forward with your fall home maintenance schedule with these five steps!

Looking for a Chicago condo? Luxury Living Chicago Realty can help you find the right condo for you!

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Condo Repairs – Who Pays for What Damage?

Who pays for different types of damage when you live in a condo? We’ll break it down for you here. There are many different types of damage that can occur when owning a condo and it’s not always clear which responsibilities fall on the condo owner and which fall on the HOA.

Condo Repairs – Who Pays for What Damage?

As an overview, the HOA (Homeowners Association) fees usually cover the common or shared areas of a building while the condo owner is typically responsible for anything inside their unit. Let’s take a look at a few specific scenarios below!

Water Damage

Almost all plumbing issues within the unit will fall on the condo owner.

Leaky faucets, broken sinks, and issues with toilets are the responsibilities of the condo owner. If you have access to any of these damaged features in your unit, it is your responsibility to fix these issues as a condo owner.

If you have water damage in your unit that affects another unit, like your downstairs neighbor, you are also responsible for paying that damage.

On the flip side, the HOA will be responsible for repairing any large plumbing issues central to the building.

Any issues that affect multiple units, that are not directly due to an issue within one unit, will be handled by the HOA.


Knowing whether HVAC repairs fall under the responsibility of the condo owner or HOA can be tricky.

For HVAC central to the entire building, the HOA will be responsible.

If you are in a unit where you have your own HVAC system, but the duct work is outside of your unit or more central to the building, it can be less clear where this responsibility belongs. In these cases, even if the HVAC is specific to your unit, but accessing the ductwork is not possible from your unit, this will probably fall on the HOA.

For some older Chicago condos, you may be responsible for a window air conditioning unit if your condo does not have central HVAC.


Any presence of bed bugs, mice, or critters can be alarming if you’re a condo owner!

Within your unit, you are responsible for pest control. However, if the issue seems to be bigger than just your unit, or as a result of a common area situation that is breeding pests, this may fall on the HOA to resolve.

If you are having issues with pests in your unit, odds are that you aren’t the only one. Talk to your HOA and neighbors and see if others are also having this issue, in which case you all can work together to get everything resolved!

Ultimately, be sure to read your HOA rules and regulations in detail to make sure you understand your responsibilities as a condo owner vs. what is covered in your HOA fees. Prompt communication of any issues to your HOA is always the best place to start if you think something might be affecting multiple units. Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you have issues in your condo and communicate with your HOA to promptly get any issues repaired!

Looking for a Chicago condo? Connect with a Luxury Living broker to start your search!

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How Much is the Typical Condo Down Payment?

Before setting off on your search for a new condo, you’ll need an idea of how much to save for a down payment. Here is what you can expect for the typical condo down payment.

Condo Down Payments Explained

Typical Percentages for Condo Down Payments

There are a lot of young homebuyers right now averaging between 5% and 10% down as a down payment.

In certain cases with first time homebuyers, individuals are even able to put down as low as 3% on their first home.

For first time buyers, using this percentage estimation based off of asking price is a great place to start. If you can afford to put between 5% and 10% down on your first home, odds are there is a mortgage out there you can afford.

One thing to keep in mind in a competitive housing market is that the more you are able to put down for your initial down payment, the more competitive you may be in a multiple offer scenario.

Putting Down Less Than 20% for a Condo Down Payment

Although first time buyers may be approved for mortgages with these initial down payments, it is not always the best choice for buyers to purchase a property when they can only put a small amount of money down.

Whenever your down payment is below 20% of the price of the home, you will also need to purchase private mortgage insurance, or PMI.

PMI is used by the lender as insurance if you stop making payments on your mortgage. This can be added on to your closing costs in the form of a monthly payment or a lump sum payment up front.

If you can afford to put 20% down on a property, then you may be saving in the long run by avoiding additional costs from PMI.

Veteran Benefits for Condo Down Payments

One category that also changes your status in regards to down payment, is your veteran status.

If you’ve served in the military in the United States, you qualify for special veteran home buying mortgages that allow you to put 0% down and just pay the closing costs. This is an excellent benefit for our armed service veterans.

If you have experience serving in the military, definitely check out programs specialized for you!

Saving up for a down payment can be intimidating, but it’s something every first time home buyer goes through! Our team of experienced real estate experts have plenty of lender connections to help you find out what option may be best for you and your budget when figuring out what you can afford for a condo down payment.

Connect us today to get started!

Save Money Online With These 4 Tips

Now that everything is available online in just a few days’ shipping, it can be hard to keep yourself tied to a monthly budget. These tips for saving money online can help you keep your budget for future housing on track while online shopping.

4 Tips to Save Money Online

1. Make a List

Treat shopping online like you’re shopping at a grocery store!

Before you log on to shop online, spend some time taking stock of what you need and write out what you actually plan on purchasing. If you have a predetermined list of what you’re searching for, it will be much easier to log off once you’ve checked everything off of your list.

If you get online and begin clicking and scrolling through ads without an objective, odds are you may end up making an extra purchase or two that you really don’t need.

2. Let Items Sit in Your Cart

When you purchase items online, you’ll often have to add the items to a checkout basket and do a final assessment of your purchases before you checkout.

Once you have your checkout basket full, step away from your computer or phone for a little while. Take a walk, clean up around your apartment, or knock out a task on your to-do list and then come back.

When you’ve given your time to not impulsively finish the transaction all at once, you can assess if it’s really worth buying your item. In a lot of cases, the truth may be you don’t really need to buy everything in your shopping cart.

3. Online Coupons

There are numerous online coupons and discount services available to online shoppers today.

You can use browser apps like Rakuten, Honey, and many more that will effortlessly find deals for you. These plug-ins can save you tons of money when shopping online and provide cash back rewards as well.

Check out other coupon websites or simply search for coupons specific to your item in another browser tab to see if anything is out there before you buy.

4. Talk to Customer Service

When you’re shopping online, often there is a customer service chat window available for inquiries about the products.

Ask a few questions about the product and see if there are any discounts available. You’d be surprised how often customer service responses will have specialized discounts available immediately for your purchase!

These are just a few tips to help you save when shopping online. If you’re looking to stop overspending online so you can save up for things you actually want and need, try a few of these tips out and see how much you can save.

If you’ve saved up enough to start your condo search, contact Luxury Living Chicago Realty. We can help you find a Chicago condo that fits your style and budgetary needs. Connect with a Luxury Living broker to start your search!

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8 Easy Ways to Save Money Each Month

When it comes to saving significant amounts of money for condo ownership, it’s the little things that count.

Check out these easy ways to save money every month.

8 Easy Ways to Save Money Each Month

  1. Find an app that works for you. There are a handful of free apps out there that are designed to help individuals save. Mint remains a popular choice. It connects with your bank and then automatically categorizes all of your expenses for you. Acorns is another fan favorite. The app keeps the change every time you swipe your linked credit card and then sends that change to an investment portfolio for you.
  2. Set simple limits. Intentional spending goes a long way. Consider implementing a cap on certain spending habits at the beginning of each month on regular expenses, like Uber rides or meals out.
  3. Collect those coupons. Be on the lookout for good deals anytime you shop. We highly suggest installing the honey web browser extension. It automatically applies the best eligible coupons to your online purchases.
  4. Resell items you don’t need. As you let go of things, consider getting cash back on those unwanted goods. OfferUp and Facebook Marketplace let you buy and sell almost anything locally. Other apps, such as Poshmark, allow users to list specific clothing items to people all around the country.
  5. Shop wisely. Whether you’re grocery shopping or retail shopping, the businesses you choose can significantly impact your total spending. As you’re trying to save money, make strategic choices as to where you shop. For example, if you’re grocery shopping, consider buying off-brand products or checking out spots known for affordable prices, like ALDI.
  6. Stick to a list. Continue your smart shopping by never entering a store without a list. This can help keep you focused and avoid spontaneous or unneeded purchases.
  7. Utilize online shopping. Shopping online also minimizes your chances of getting sidetracked by unnecessary items. This method may also save time and travel costs.
  8. Don’t underestimate small sacrifices. Forsaking purchases and avoiding splurging is a smart way to save. In those moments you’re craving a Starbucks, consider forgoing the pricey beverage for an at-home coffee.

As you strive to see your bank account grow, be sure to implement these easy ways to save every month. When you’ve saved up enough money to take the leap, contact Luxury Living Chicago Realty to help you find a great condo for your needs!

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Monthly Expense Tracking Will Put You on the Right Path to Condo Ownership

If you’re looking to save up for a home in the next year, monthly expense tracking is a valuable tool that can help you along the way.

Check out our tips on monthly expense tracking and learn how it helps you save:

  1. Find a tracking method that works best for you. Whether you decide to make your own expense spreadsheet or use an app, there are plenty of different ways to document your spending. If you’re a fan of spreadsheets, consider downloading a free template online so you don’t have to build one from scratch. If an app sounds more up your alley, Mint is one of our favorite budget trackers – it’s free and simple to use.
  2. Identify your income. When analyzing your finances you want to look at what’s coming into your wallet vs. what’s coming out. Figure out how much is in your paycheck so you know what you have to work with.
  3. Categorize your expenses. As you track your costs, it’s beneficial to group them into different categories. This gives you a broader idea of how you’re spending your money. Typical groups include housing expenses, groceries, restaurants, and shopping; but choose whatever categories work for your lifestyle.
  4. Hold yourself accountable. Consistency is key when it comes to tracking your expenses. Get in the habit of actually documenting your costs each time you’re swiping your card. It may not be your natural reaction at first, but the more you do it, the more second nature it will become. And when it becomes a part of your routine, the more mindful you will become of your spending.
  5. Identify what needs to change. As you keep a record of your payments, you may also notice some good (and bad) spending habits. Maybe you’ll realize that your Uber payments were way higher than expected. Or maybe your overall utility bill will shock you. Once you can identify these areas of concern, you’ll be able to make appropriate adjustments to set your savings up for success. Maybe you’ll decide to start taking public transit more. Or maybe you’ll become better at not keeping the AC on when you don’t need it.

Purchasing a condo is a big financial move, and it requires intentionality and savings. With these monthly expense tracking tips, we hope you feel more confident moving forward with this process. When you’re ready to take the next step toward condo ownership, contact the Luxury Living Chicago Realty team or click the button below!

Start Your Search

5 Winter Home Maintenance Tips to Keep Your Condo Thriving

Chicago winters can be brutal. Making sure you know how to protect your home from the winter weather is important so that you can have a safe and cost-effective winter. Use these winter home maintenance tips to keep your condo in top shape this winter.

5 Winter Home Maintenance Tips

1. Check Building Rules

First, start off by familiarizing yourself with winter rules for your condo building.

Keep an eye out for any emails or newsletters that might address winterization policies for the building or other things to be aware of as it’s getting cold.

The information provided by your building’s maintenance may answer most of your questions and provide a clear guideline of what to do for the winter.

2. Run a Quick Heat Inspection

Spend some time examining all of the corners, nooks, and crannies of your condo to see where heat might be escaping. This can be done simply with your eyes and hands in no time at all.

If you notice any cracks, holes, or window seals where heat seems to be escaping, plug it up! Take some time with spackle, sealant, or even use a temporary fix of folded towels in order to keep the heat in your condo.

3. Watch out for Frozen Pipes

Frozen pipes are the worst case scenario for your condo. Make sure if you have any pipes that are not properly insulated or that are on the outside of your building, you are aware of them.

Keep your water running slightly on any faucets that might be at risk for freezing.

Wrap towels or newspaper around exposed pipes to add extra insulation and prevent freezing. Frozen pipes are extremely expensive to replace and can become a huge headache. Anything you can do to prevent frozen pipes is a must! 

4. Dress Warmly, Save Money

You can save a lot of money in the winter by keeping the temperature down a few degrees.

Keep blankets, sweatshirts, and slippers around in the winter season so you can live comfortably without your heat cranked all the way up.

It may be a little less comfortable, but it will make a big difference on your energy bill.

5. Stock Up Early

When winter is around the corner, so take some time to get the essentials before an inevitable snowstorm hits. Having extra bottled water, canned goods, and frozen food can save you from having to leave your condo in extreme cold.

As far as other essentials, having some salt and a shovel for your sidewalk and common areas is a good idea.

If you’re a car owner, make sure you keep a scraper, shovel, and some salt in your car as well.

Having these winter essentials at your condo will come in handy when it gets cold fast and you want to be ready to deal with the snow.

Chicago winters can be tough on all homes. Making sure you’re prepared to keep your condo in top shape when winter rolls around can make a big difference in saving money and staying safe. Spend some time preparing for winter weather so you’ll never be caught off guard!

Looking for a Chicago condo? LLCR can help you find a condo that fits your style and budget. Contact Luxury Living Chicago to start your search!

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Save Money on Groceries in Chicago With These 7 Tips

One vital area of focus to save money on when you’re trying to save up for a larger purchase is food and groceries. It’s a necessity to eat, but it doesn’t mean you have to break the bank each time you need a meal. With our tips on saving money on food and groceries in Chicago, you’re sure to save up for bigger and better things in no time!

7 Tips to Save Money on Groceries

1. Coupons

There’s no better way to save money than looking for coupons before heading out to the grocery store.

Check the back of your last grocery receipt, the local newspaper, and the grocery store website before you head in. There are so many digital coupons and discounts services available now, so a quick check online can save you a ton on groceries.

Additionally, coupons for new items can be a great incentive to try new foods and new recipes!

2. Write a List

The time you take before you leave your home can make all the difference.

Spend some time going through your pantry, refrigerator, and freezer. Take stock of everything you have at home. Once you know what you have, it will be easier to look at what you actually need. You won’t find yourself in the store searching and questioning if you already have a certain food back at your place.

Taking a few minutes to write out a list will help you shop more purposefully with less wasteful purchases.

3. Generic Brands

Look down low! On the shelves under the specialty brands of foods, you’ll see the generic alternatives.

Don’t let marketing fool you, the generic brands are often identical. Hold them up side by side and compare the ingredients and nutritional value. When you take price into account, generic brands will be a no-brainer.

4. Shop Alone

Shopping with a significant other, a roommate, or a group of people completely changes your experience in the grocery store.

You’re much more likely to splurge and get fun, spontaneous purchases. Remove the social element from the task and shop alone.

With only you and your list, there won’t be any conversation or distraction to throw you off your plan. Sure, it may be less fun, but that money you save can be used for something else.

5. Prepare Your Own Produce

Avoid the pre-packaged produce.

Although that fruit tray and pre-sliced veggie platter may seem too convenient to pass on, they’re not a great deal!

Buy the produce you actually need and cut it up at home. You can also store produce more efficiently with your own tupperware instead of the cheap plastic container it comes in, so your food will last longer as well.

6. Buy Frozen

When it makes sense, buy frozen!

Instead of over-shopping and realizing you won’t have time to cook everything you purchased, plan ahead by buying frozen. You’ll save so much on food that you’d normally throw away, it will be well worth it.

Plus, in between grocery trips it’s always good to have frozen food on hand.

7. Shop at Aldi

One bottom line that’s going to make a big difference is where you shop. Aldi is most likely your cheapest option.

Chicago has many other great options like Mariano’s, Jewel-Osco, and Whole Foods, but if you really want to save money, start shopping at Aldi. Get your favorite specialty foods from wherever you like best, but stock up on your essentials at Aldi.

Grocery shopping in Chicago doesn’t have to be expensive. Try out some of these money saving tips the next time you need to get groceries and see how much you can save.

When you’ve saved up enough money to take the leap into Chicago home ownership, LLCR can help you find a condo that fits your style and budgetary needs. Connect with a Luxury Living broker to start your search!

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The Average Condo Cost in Chicago — Here’s What to Expect In Your Condo Search

Looking to purchase a home in the next year? The average condo cost may be more affordable and convenient than a free-standing house in Chicago. If you’re finding yourself ready to move in the new year and start fresh, consider purchasing a condo in the Windy City with our guide below.

Average Condo Cost

The average condo in Chicago costs around $438,000 compared to the average free-standing home price of $466,000. This noticeable difference makes condos a great option for first time buyers. The money you can save in your initial purchase is great for first time buyers with less disposable income.

Additionally, there are other factors at play that may make condos a much better option depending on what neighborhood you want to live in.

Certain neighborhoods in Chicago have stark differences between condo availability vs. free-standing houses, which is another factor to consider and may make purchasing a condo the better option for you!

Condo Costs and Factors to Consider

There are other financial factors to consider, such as HOA fees which apply to condos.

HOA fees on top of your mortgage will cover maintenance and upkeep that free-standing homeowners have to take care of themselves.

Although this might sound inconvenient, the pay off can be immense for your quality of life! You may have access to nicer common amenities and cheaper insurance as well with a condo.

If you like beautiful views, rooftop pools, and fully equipped gyms as part of your living space, a condo is definitely your choice vs a free-standing home in Chicago.

The Housing Market

Although the cost of purchasing a condo might sound like a lot, interest rates are historically low right now for folks looking to purchase.

If you’re looking to buy in Chicago in the next few years, now is the time according to real estate experts. Talking to a Luxury Living broker can help make the process easier to understand.

Purchasing a condo in Chicago is a big decision. It can be a great investment, and in many instances, it’s a better option for first time buyers than purchasing a home in Chicago. With the right research and team to help you make a decision, purchasing a condo can be affordable and the right choice.

Looking for a Chicago condo that matches your budgetary needs? Contact your Luxury Living broker to start your search or follow the link below!

Start Your Search

How to get started with social media marketing as an agent

This article originally appeared on Inman.com


As real estate agents we know we should be creating and leveraging an online presence, but why is it so hard? As Head of Agent Development at Luxury Living Chicago, I work with residential real estate agents to help them feel more comfortable putting themselves out there — especially on social media.

The first step is to take the plunge and start posting. Actively posting helps you get beyond the hurdle of perfection. No matter what parameters you decide ahead of time, your personality will come through, and by doing this, you can figure out your niche and create an authentic narrative.

I recommend starting small to keep the stakes low and understand that your skills and confidence will improve over time. Even the most influential people on social media started where you are now.

Don’t try to grow a huge following overnight. You’ll miss an opportunity to define your target and curate content that resounds with the individuals you want to work with. It takes a little bit of bravery, but go ahead and put things out there.

Just do it

Whether you have an existing page and you’re trying to define its niche, or you’re just starting out, be prepared to learn and adapt. The best way to do that is to start posting. Everyone has this idea in their head that everything has to be perfect before starting when really the key is to start doing.

Struggling to start? Decide what you want your audience to take away from your account.

Are you funny? Punctual? A connector? Fashionable? Lean into those traits that make you unique. It will help you break away from cookie-cutter content. Pick a theme, and build out ideas that elaborate on it.

Set social media boundaries

Be patient as your audience grows, and understand that a wider reach means that people will be interested in more aspects of your personal life — not just your business. Social media is most successful when the connection is at the forefront and the sale remains subtle. Keep yourself comfortable, and think through ahead of time what you are and are not comfortable with sharing.

I also recommend that you keep your content in neutral territory. You don’t want to alienate potential clients by expressing extreme opinions.

Strive for authenticity and consistency

It’s a good idea to gather content ahead of time to get professional-looking shots until you create the habit of capturing photos and videos. To get comfortable, enlist the help of a friend for staged photos.

These can include a tour, signing contracts, exchanging keys and more. You are likely to photograph more genuinely with someone you know and are close to rather than a stranger.

Once you have a working archive on hand, post often and regularly. Consistency is important across all platforms, which can take a toll on your schedule. Luckily, there are plenty of systems that will post for you.

Curate your posts ahead of time, so that you can set them and forget them as you’re getting started. (As you build an audience, you will spend more time engaging with it.) This will take the day-to-day pressure off of social media.


Remember, consistency over perfection. Perfection is a roadblock. Don’t wait to make things perfect.

Start posting, have fun, and see what works. Ruminating will only hold you back. Improvements happen over time with feedback, analysis and reflection.

Social media and Instagram, especially, have an aura of “highlight reels,” but that trend is shifting. As the value of authenticity increases, more content is resonating with raw moments.

Don’t be afraid to share when you’re experiencing something uncomfortable or if you’re nervous. Exposing those moments will make you relatable, and people will connect more with the real you versus the curated, always photo-ready person because it doesn’t read as authentic to the viewer.

Also, keep in mind that the real estate business is a very visual environment and your followers want to see what you see and they love to see you having fun.

Evaluate and repeat what’s working

Early on, get comfortable with requesting feedback from your initial followers, and be prepared and open to varying opinions and ideas. Some things will stick, and others will miss the mark.

Once you have gained more information from your posts, dive into the analytics. In addition to likes and comments, look for patterns in time, topics and hashtags.

Most importantly, and likely the most tricky, what subject matter is driving leads? Are you getting messages from new people after certain topics in your stories? Are any of your posts being shared on other accounts, leading to additional followers? These are indicators of the content driving leads.

Your audience may see your posts and feel like they don’t need to interact. Remember that no feedback is feedback. If no one is liking, commenting or engaging, it’s time to try something new. Regularly evaluate past posts, and analyze how they are resonating.

Social media is a two-way street. It’s one of the rare forms of marketing that is conversational and not just a sounding board, so you have to be active with accounts, clients and people that are taking the time to engage with you. Make sure you are also liking, commenting and engaging with your followers.

Storytelling is here to stay

Immerse your audience in the story of your clients. They’ll resonate with what it’s like to buy or sell a home and enjoy the insight if they haven’t experienced the process yet.

Share details on what it’s like to be an agent and the nuances of working in your market. Step out of your real estate agent shoes, and try to recognize the details that they wouldn’t normally see.

When initiating a narrative, be thoughtful about what you want your audience to take away from your content. This will ensure that your story is focused.

There is a lot to celebrate in real estate, so think about what makes you feel successful and share it. Celebratory posts are a great way to show gratitude for your clients and make them feel special. Some clients will even feel like your posts give them permission to celebrate and share the big news.

Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment with new settings and always stay up to date with trends. You can alleviate the pressure of on-demand or live posting by practicing, recording and watching yourself before posting. This will ensure that the “take” is polished. With more experience, you’ll get comfortable without using dry runs.

Above all else, be yourself to connect with your audience on a personal level. Social media is a social tool. Get started, engage, learn, tweak and lean into your strengths.

If you take anything away from this article, it’s that perfection is a roadblock. I see many agents spinning their wheels and trying to create the “perfect” feed — before they post anything at all. Start posting!

Christine Carr is the head of agent development Luxury Living Chicago Realty. Connect with her on Instagram and LinkedIn.

Chicago vs. DC — Moving from DC to Chicago

Moving to the Windy City from DC? While these popular metro areas share similarities, there are differences worth nothing. So, here’s what you need to know about Chicago vs. DC.

Chicago vs. DC

  • Expect your money to stretch further. DC’s cost of living is considerably more expensive than Chicago, nearly 36 percent higher to be exact. Hopefully, this comes as a relief to you and your wallet. Not only can you find homes for lower prices, but you may be able to afford upgrades that were over your budget in DC. You can expect other daily living expenses, like groceries and gas to also come at a smaller price.
  • Prepare for the winters. It is true that DC’s winters are milder compared to Chicago’s. With that being the case, you want to prepare mentally and practically for this chilly season. It is certainly worth investing in quality winter gear, including a warm jacket, hat, and gloves.
  • Enjoy the waterfront. While DC isn’t too far from the ocean, the closest beach is about an hour drive. Chicago, on the other hand, sits right on Lake Michigan. This means easy access to the beach and water activities! (Plus, it makes for some beautiful views, too)
  • Take advantage of public transit. Most would agree that Chicago Transport  Authority(CTA) is pretty impressive. Not only is public transit in this city less expensive than DC’s, but you can easily find buses and trains that take you in and out, and all around the city.
  • Savor Chicago dishes. Chicago is notorious for its local dishes. Not only does this foodie city offer every type of cuisine imaginable, but it prides itself on its Chicago cuisines. While living in the Windy City, be sure to try one of those dishes, whether it’s a Chicago-style dog or deep dish pizza.
  • Embrace the Midwestern culture. While Chicago is a huge city, people often comment on and appreciate the Midwestern friendliness and hospitality that is often hard to find in other big cities. There is a shared and rare sense of “warmness” for most folks living in Chicago.
  • Understand Chicago sports. Before moving to Chicago, be warned that many Chicagoans take their sports very seriously. Even if you’re not ready to make Chicago your home team, consider checking out a game for yourself. Soak up the magic of the infamous Wrigley Field or enjoy a Bears game right along the waterfront in the heart of downtown, Chicago.

If you’re looking to relocate to Chicago soon, Luxury Living Chicago can help you find the perfect condo to suit your needs. We have a dedicated team of brokers who can help streamline your move today.

Follow the link below for more on moving to downtown Chicago!

Chicago Moving Guide

Seattle vs. Chicago Living — Moving to Chicago from the Pacific Northwest

Moving to Chicago from Seattle? Here’s what you need to know!

Making the move from the Pacific Northwest to the Midwest is a major transition between two different parts of the country. If you’re relocating from the Emerald City to Chi-town, here are some helpful tips for your move.

Seattle vs. Chicago Living

Below, check out some things to keep in mind when moving from Seattle to Chicago.


One of the biggest differences between Seattle and Chicago is the weather. Expect all four seasons in Chicago, including a pretty cold winter and a beautiful summer.

Although the total snowfall for the winter will be more than what you receive in Seattle, the reward is much less rain, and a lot more sun. Get excited for the new climate in Chicago!


Both cities are some of the biggest in the country, but Chicago is much bigger city than Seattle.

Chicago is the 3rd largest city in the U.S. with 2.7 million people, while Seattle is the 18th largest with a population of just under 777,000.

When moving to such a large city, it’s important to choose a neighborhood that fits your interests. Spend some time choosing the right place to move before finding a neighborhood and settling in.

Cost of Living

Chicago has a much lower cost of living than Seattle. Some studies show Seattle as being 18% more expensive than Chicago.

Enjoy more affordable rent and a cheaper cost of living in your new home.

This lower cost of living will help your dollar stretch even further while furnishing a new apartment to make yourself at home.


The adjustment to moving inland from the coast will be a big one.

Although Seattle is closer to mountains and the ocean, Chicago has plenty of outdoor offerings as well. Chicago has a number of beaches along Lake Michigan and amazing views throughout the city.

Additionally, there are plenty of beautiful parks and gardens such as Millenium Park and the Garden of the Phoenix. Although nature might not be as abundant in Chicago, there are many beautiful gems in the city!

Moving from Seattle to Chicago will be a big adjustment, but there are many great aspects to Chicago that will help make the transition smooth. Enjoy the perks of the Windy City and your new adventure in Chicago.

If you’re looking to relocate to Chicago soon, Luxury Living Chicago can help you find the perfect condo to suit your needs. To help you find the right neighborhood for you, connect with your Luxury Living broker to start your search.

Relocating to Chicago? Click the button below for our Chicago Moving Guide!

Chicago Moving Guide

Boston vs. Chicago Living — Moving to Chicago from Massachusetts

Moving to Chicago from Boston? Here’s what you need to know! While Chicago and Boston are both large cities with an abundance of things to do, there are some key differences between them.

Boston vs. Chicago Living

If you’re relocating from Boston to the Windy City, there are some helpful tips for your move. Below, uncover some differences of Boston vs. Chicago living!


While both cities are thriving with large populations, Chicago is a much bigger city than Boston.

As the third largest city in the United States, Chicago has a city population of 2.7 million people. Boston ranks 24th on the list with a population of just under 700,000. That’s quite a big difference!

When you relocate, get ready for a much bigger city. Chicago is also made up of many different neighborhoods, so spend some time looking over where to live before choosing your new home in the city!

Cost of Living

Although it may be bigger, Chicago is actually much cheaper than Boston.

Some studies show Boston as being 24.8% more expensive than Chicago based on consumer prices, rent, restaurants, and groceries. Enjoy more affordable rent and a cheaper cost of living in your new Chicago home.

Chicago also has amazing parks, beaches, and other accessible unique things to do that will help your dollar stretch even further while settling in.


Worried about the commute? Don’t be!

Chicago has a fantastic public transportation system, much like Boston’s MBTA. Chicago also has a bicycle sharing system, rideshare apps, and parking available like Boston.

Both cities rank near the top of most lists in terms of public transportation, so don’t fret this adjustment when moving to Chicago. Both cities are also walkable as well, and don’t require a car to live comfortably.

History and Culture

Boston is a city filled with historical landmarks going as far back as the American Revolution, and further! While Chicago is a younger city, but it has its own unique history and culture to explore as well.

Check out museums like the Field Museum on the Near South Side and the Museum of Science and Industry in the Hyde Park neighborhood to start.

Chicago is also a more culturally diverse city than Boston. Take a visit to the DuSable Museum of African American History in Hyde Park and the National Museum of Mexican Art in Pilsen too.

Although the jump from Boston to Chicago will be a big adjustment, there are many benefits to Chicago that will help make the transition smooth. Enjoy the perks of cheaper cost of living, more opportunities, and a new adventure in the Windy City!

For more information on relocating to Chicago, check out our expert guide.

If you’re looking to relocate to Chicago soon, Luxury Living Chicago can help you find the perfect condo to suit your needs. To help you find the right neighborhood for you, connect with your Luxury Living broker today or click the button below for our Chicago Moving Guide!

Chicago Moving Guide

How to Organize Your Closet to Maximize Storage Space

A new year = the perfect time to tidy up… right? From finding storage and organization ideas for your kitchen, living room, bedroom and even your car just about everything can use a little freshening up at the start of a new year.

If you’re in need of some organization ideas for your closet, you came to the right place. Keep reading for some tips on how to best organize your closet.

How to Organize Your Closet

Organizing your closet can be a daunting task, especially if you’ve been putting it off for some time. If you’ve decided enough is enough, try some of these closet organization ideas for your home:

  1. Take out everything. Empty everything out of your closet, and we mean everything! This may sound like a lot, but this is the first step in taking inventory of everything you really do have. Completing this initial step will also allow you to uncover some of those hidden gems you forgot you had, as well as some of those ugly pieces that just never really fit right.
  2. Chunk clothing types. Once you’ve emptied everything out of your closet, it’s time to start going through each clothing item type 1 by 1. Start with shirts, then move to jackets, pants, accessories, and shoes. You can break these categories down even further too, into short sleeve shirts, long sleeve shirts, sweaters, etc.
  3. Make 3 piles. As you’re going through each pile, place each clothing item into one of these three piles: 100% yes, maybe, and donate/trash. Here are a few places to consider donating your clothes to in Chicago.
  4. Circle back to the maybes. Once you’re done going through and putting these into their respective piles, circle back to the maybes and go through Step 3 once again, but try to pick whether you’re actually keeping or getting rid of them this time. You may realize your “yes” pile from the previous step is huge and you really don’t need some of those “maybes”. There may be just one or two you decide to keep and the rest could be donated. Or maybe, you just can’t make up your mind.
  5. The “for later” box. If you’re just not sure and don’t want to make a decision just yet, create a “for later” box and store those items away for 6 months to revisit at a later date. 6 months will give you enough time to cycle through almost a full season’s worth of clothes. Set a reminder on your phone and when the time comes, open up the box and go through the process again. If, after those 6 months, you haven’t thought about the “for later” box even once, it’s probably best to get rid of those items. If there were a few pieces you found yourself digging into prior to those 6 months, it’s safe to say that those are here to stay and the rest can go.
  6. One-in-one-out. In order to keep your closet perpetually clean, implement the “one-in-one-out” rule for any additional clothing purchases. So, for any new clothing item you have, donate or get rid of another item in your closet to take its place. This should make it so that your closet stays fresh and organized all year around!

If after trying some of these closet organization ideas and you’re still needing more space, it may be time to make the move to a larger place. Luxury Living Chicago can help you find a new luxury condo in Chicago with great closets and ample storage space. Connect with us today to start your search.

Looking for more condo storage ideas? Click the button below!

Condo Storage Ideas

Moving to Chicago from the UK? Read Our Top Tips

Moving to Chicago from the UK? Here is what you need to know about making the leap across the pond.

Moving to Chicago from the UK

  1. Do research beforehand. Even if you plan on touring properties once you make it to the states, it is helpful to come prepared with some insight. You can read about the different neighborhoods in Chicago online or work with an experienced broker who knows Chicago real estate. They can help you narrow down the areas and types of properties that best fit your lifestyle and preferences before you even arrive.
  2. Have a game plan for moving your items. If you are moving to Chicago, chances are you will not be able to take all of your belongings on the flight. You can send goods by air freight or use a part load or full shipping container services.
  3. Prepare for the time change. Keep in mind that Chicago is six hours behind London. You may experience some jet lag after your travels, and it may take a bit of time for your internal clock to adjust to the different time zone.
  4. Enjoy the lower cost of living. If you come from London, you will appreciate knowing that the cost of living in Chicago is nearly 30 percent more affordable. This means that your budget will allow you to purchase a more desirable property with extra amenities and space. It also means that you can expect to save on other expenses, such as gas and groceries.
  5. Take advantage of public transit. The Chicago Public Authority is excellent, making it extremely easy to get around the city without a car. Plus, parking and other vehicle expenses can add up, so going carless may be the most cost-effective and practical option.
  6. Anticipate the seasons. You will find that the cold seasons in Chicago are harsher than those in London, and the summers are a bit more humid. Make sure you are ready with the appropriate attire.
  7. Enjoy everything that makes this city great. There is so much to love about the Windy City— summer on Lake Michigan, stunning architecture, an incredible food scene, and so much more. Take advantage of all the activities and attractions this midwestern metropolis offers.

If you are moving to Chicago from the UK soon, be sure to connect with one of our licensed brokers. Luxury Living Chicago can help you find the perfect condo to suit your needs and help you get to know the area a bit better.

Searching for more information on everything you need to know when making the move to the Windy City? Click the link below for our Chicago Moving Guide!

Chicago Relocation Guide

Moving to Chicago from California? Here’s What You Should Know

Moving to Chicago from California? Here’s what you need to know before making the trek from the west coast.

Moving to Chicago from California

  1. There are lots of neighborhoods to choose from. Throughout Chicago, you will find different communities, each with its own charm and vibe. Be sure to explore the various options so you can find an area that best matches your lifestyle. Consider the Loop if you want a truly urban experience to be in the heart of the city. If you prefer a bit more charm and character, check out the Lincoln Park neighborhood.
  2. Your money will stretch further. Living in Chicago will certainly cost you less than California cities, especially San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. This means that you may be able to upgrade your property and splurge on amenities that you couldn’t afford in Cali. It also means you can expect other expenses, like gas and groceries, to do less damage to your wallet.
  3. Prepare for the seasons. Chicago’s summers are as incredible as the winters are harsh. But don’t let the cold season scare you. Just be sure to invest in appropriate attire for rain, snow, and sunshine. It’s also valuable to note that the summers in Chicago are more humid than those in California.
  4. Take advantage of public transit. The Chicago Transit Authority is one of the best in the country, making it extremely easy to get around the city.  Many people find that they don’t need a car and save money on all the costs associated with driving by ditching their vehicle. 
  5. Get ready for great food. Whether you’re a self-proclaimed foodie or you like a variety of options, you will appreciate Chicago. The food and restaurant options here are beyond impressive. Each neighborhood boasts its own unique joints and fare. You can enjoy phenomenal food at one of the 24 Michelin-starred kitchens throughout the city. Or you can indulge in true Chicago grub by grabbing an Italian Beef or Chicago Dog.
  6. Enjoy the sports. Even if you’re a die-hard California sports fan, you do not want to miss the sporting events this city has to offer. Catch some baseball at the iconic Wrigley Field or head to Soldier Field, right along Lake Michigan, to watch the Bears.
  7. Venture outside of the city. While you can never run out of things to do in the Windy City, there are also hidden gems outside of the metropolis worth visiting over the weekend. Venture to Michigan for fun sand dunes and beautiful lake towns, or head north to Wisconsin for amazing hiking spots and breweries.

Moving to Chicago from California is a significant but exciting change. If you’re looking to relocate to Chicago soon, Luxury Living Chicago can help you find the perfect condo to suit your needs. Connect with one of our team members to start your search today or click the button below for more on relocating to the Windy City.

Chicago Relocation Guide

Need Car Storage in Chicago? Here Are Your Options

Need a place to store your car, bike, boat, etc.? It can be difficult to find storage space in the city if you don’t have a garage. With limited storage space available and a desire to keep vehicles safely put away for the winter, many folks struggle to know where to put their cars. Check out some of the options below for car storage in Chicago!

Finding Car Storage in Chicago

An initial search of garage-like storage spaces in Chicago can produce a variety of results, and can be intimidating. Depending on what you’re specifically looking for, it can be easier to narrow down your options. Below, check out some of the factors that will help determine how to find the car storage in Chicago that best meets your needs.


Location is a big factor when starting a search for car storage.

Are you familiar with the neighborhood where your car will be stored? Take into consideration location when choosing storage to save travel costs and headaches down the line. Prioritize a spot nearby when beginning your search.


Another important determining factor of where to select car storage in Chicago is accessibility.

If you want to winterize your car or vehicle for a few months and don’t need frequent access, a storage facility may be a great option for you. Check out options like Chicago North Side Storage and River North Storage for options when you don’t need daily access to your vehicle.


Finding an affordable car storage option in Chicago can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be.

Leverage different cost options to your advantage when finding a spot to store your car. Look into private garages and compare costs between garages. Don’t be afraid to ask for rates below what is listed and use the market to your advantage.

There are many factors to consider when finding car storage in Chicago. Begin with a search online and use factors like location, accessibility, and cost to help determine the best option for you.

If you’re interested in finding a condo with storage in Chicago, connect with your Luxury Living broker today. Our team of licensed professionals is here to help you find a new home with ample storage space in Chicago.

In need of more storage ideas for your condo? Follow the link below!

Condo Storage Ideas

8 Condo Kitchen Organization Ideas for a Spotless Kitchen

The kitchen is the heart of the home — and the quickest room to get messy and disorganized. If you are looking to keep this space clean, check out these kitchen organization ideas.

8 Kitchen Organization Ideas

  1. Dividers are your best friend. Adding dividers to your drawers, cabinets, or fridge will instantly help declutter your kitchen and maximize this precious space. You will quickly notice how helpful it is to have a designated spot for all your kitchen items.
  2. Transfer foods to bins. Organizing your pantry and fridge well will make a world of a difference. Along with adding dividers, find different sized bins to store your food in. Not only will this keep your food organized, but it will look more aesthetically pleasing in the process.
  3. Add a drink dispenser to the fridge. This genius invention allows you to store more of your favorite canned beverages in the fridge in an organized fashion. Plus, you can expect plenty of compliments from guests when they go for a drink.
  4. Declutter your utensil drawer. These drawers can quickly feel overwhelming, especially if you are someone who accumulates more over time. Finding a large divided tray to add to the drawer will create more order and peace of mind. Designate space for utensils, chopsticks, corn holders, or whatever else might go in there.
  5. Don’t underestimate a bag dispenser. Plastic bags come in handy to keep, but they become a hassle when they begin overflowing. Streamline the grocery bags with a handy dandy dispenser. It’ll look a whole lot better than plastic taking over your kitchen cabinets.
  6. Hang things up. If you have limited counter or cabinet space, consider adding attractive hooks to your walls and hanging up your favorite mugs or cooking utensils.
  7. Find a bar cart. A sleek kitchen or bar cart adds a fun and functional addition to this room, allowing even more space for kitchen goods.
  8. Put away your messes. As simple as this may sound, it can’t be overstated. One of the keys to keeping up with your kitchen involves developing good clean-up habits. After cooking or eating, be sure you pick up after yourself and use your organization systems in place.

We hope that these kitchen organization ideas will help keep this sacred room calm and under control. Looking for a better kitchen space? Luxury Living Chicago can help. We have a team of experienced real estate professionals who would love to fund you the perfect home!

Searching for more condo storage ideas? Follow the link below!

Condo Storage Ideas

Where to Start Decluttering  — Create a Plan to Keep Your Condo Clean

Once your home starts to feel messy and cramped, it can be hard to know where to start decluttering. These tips will help you put together a cleaning plan.

Where to Start Decluttering

  1. Start room-by-room. Decluttering can easily become overwhelming, especially if you’re in a condo with multiple rooms in need of organization. Before feeling stressed by the task ahead, focus on single space at a time. Determine which areas need immediate attention and which areas are low priority. Think about which rooms you spend the most time in or which areas your guests frequent often.
  2. Create a calendar. We all understand life can be busy and sporadic, but having a timeline to execute your decluttering and set time frames for each room will help you stay organized and hold yourself accountable. For extra motivation, consider a reward after each room you complete, like a sweet treat or your favorite bottle of wine.
  3. Set up bins. These bins will help you sort through your items and evaluate the end result of those items. For example, you may have a “trash,” “give away,” “recycle,” “storage”, and “keep” bin. It may be tempting to skip the bins and create informal piles, but as these piles grow, they may spark a greater sense of chaos. 
  4. Begin sorting. Once the bins are set up and labeled, you can start going through all the items in the specific room you are tackling. Turn on some tunes or pour a cup of coffee for some focus. As soon as a bin is full, you are forced to take the items within wherever they belong.
  5. Stay focused. Despite our best intentions, there are always plenty of distractions that can easily steal our attention. If you want to be efficient with your decluttering, eliminate all of those potential diversions. This may mean putting your phone on ‘Do Not Disturb mode, taking the kids to a friend’s house, or keeping the television off.
  6. Celebrate. Decluttering your home is no easy feat. Once you complete this project, commemorate the fruits of your labor. Consider hosting a get-together to show off your clean and refreshed digs!
  7. Maintain Good Habits. Even after all the effort involved in decluttering, somehow messes always pile up quicker than most of us like to admit. If you can pick up AND keep habits that minimize clutter, the fewer major clean-ups you’ll have to worry about. Get used to regularly donating items when you no longer use them or designate spots for your stuff.

We hope you have a better understanding and more confidence to know where to start decluttering with these tips. Just need more living space? Contact a Luxury Living Chicago broker to discuss your options today!

Searching for additional storage ideas for your condo? Click the button below.

Condo Storage Ideas

7 Storage Furniture Ideas to Keep Clutter Hidden

Need more space for storage? Consider hiding it in plain sight with these storage furniture ideas for your home:

7 Storage Furniture Ideas

1) Dresser turned TV stand. If you’re looking for additional storage for your living room, consider adding a repurposed dresser to double as your TV stand. This is great to house all of your entertainment necessities like games or other electronics.

2) Storage bench. Have an empty spot in your entryway, by some windows, or along a wall? Try adding a bench that doubles as storage. You can make it a window bench by adding a cushion on top and a few throw pillows, and voila! These storage benches are also great by your front door to have some place to sit down while you take off your shoes, like this one from Crate and Barrel.

3) Under-the-stairs storage. Make use of that extra space under your stairs with built-in drawers or a nook underneath the stairs.

4) Storage sofa. There are two different ways you can go about your sofa storage. You could snag a sofa with a chaise that lifts up to house all of your blankets and pillows. Or, you could also opt for a pull-out sofa if you’re limited on guest room space.

5) End table with drawers. End tables that also pack in some storage are perfect if you need a little extra space to hide your living room necessities like phone chargers, magazines, books, and small toys or other items.

6) Storage coffee table. There are also many options for coffee table storage as well. If you need something a little more comfortable and cozy, try a storage ottoman. If that’s not quite your vibe, you could also opt for a vintage trunk as your coffee table or a modern coffee table with pop-up storage like this one.

7) Floating shelves. If you’re out of floorspace in your kitchen, living, or bedroom, floating shelves are a lifesaver. Proudly display your most prized possessions and decor on these. You could also add some smaller baskets or decorative boxes to these shelves as well if you have some smaller items you don’t want displayed.

If you’ve decided after these storage tips that you’re still in need of a little additional space, you came to the right place. Our team of experienced brokers are eager to help you find the perfect home with all the storage space you can think of. Contact your Luxury Living Chicago broker today to get started.

Searching for more storage ideas for your condo? Follow the link below!

Condo Storage Ideas

New West Loop Condos at 1400 W Monroe

You do not want to miss the new West Loop condos at 1400 W Monroe. This gorgeous new construction features 42 luxury residences located in the heart of West Loop, right across from Skinner Park. Why not make one yours?

New West Loop Condos at 1400 W Monroe

Living in 1400 W Monroe opens the door to ultimate elevated urban living. As one of Chicago’s hottest neighborhoods, West Loop offers the ideal location to call home. Residents of 1400 W Monroe will find themselves near some of the city’s best dining, chic cocktail bars, upscale boutiques, imaginative art galleries, and city parks.

The vibrant neighborhood is home to plenty of young professionals and families. In fact, millennials make up over half of all West Loop residents. There’s nothing like this community’s energy, especially on a summer day. You will find animal enthusiasts and their furry friends playing at the dog park, families strolling along side streets, and friends dining somewhere at along infamous ‘Restaurant Row’ on Randolph Street.

While 1400 W Monroe places its condo owners in the heart of all this action, its high-class amenities and features make it tempting not to leave the building. Prospective residents can select a two or three-bedroom new-construction home with sleek interiors designed by MoJo Stumer.

Throughout each unit, you can find Lutron Caseta smart home technology, abundant storage, high ceilings and hardwood flooring throughout living spaces, custom-designed kitchens, loft-style windows that allow for natural light, and spacious suites. Kitchens include 8′ or 9′ kitchen islands, quartz countertops, a choice of custom color palettes, and a wine fridge. Bathroom features include floating vanities, Kohler soaking tubs, separate lavatory space, and a large walk-in rain shower.

Residents can also enjoy significant convenience with the building’s amenities including  secured building access, package reception system, dry cleaning drop-off and pick-up services, dog-washing station, and cold storage for grocery delivery. Those on the second floor also will find stunning outdoor terraces.

From the outdoor terraces and generous private balconies, residents can soak up stunning views of the Chicago skyline and Skinner Park in West Loop.

If you are someone who could see 1400 W Monroe as a potential home, connect with one of our team members today. Luxury Living Chicago Realty’s licensed and experienced brokers would love to give you a closer look at this property or any other new West Loop condos you have your eyes set on!

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Condo Storage Ideas — Keep Your Condo Organized

Looking to keep your condo organized and clutter free? Whether you just moved or are looking to revamp your space, our tips will help. Keep reading to uncover a few condo storage ideas for your own home.

Storage Furniture for Your Condo

Furniture that doubles as storage is a big plus, especially when you’re living in a more compact condo in the city. If you’re in need of some savvy storage solutions for your condo, consider adding some of these storage pieces to your home:

  • An ottoman with storage is the perfect 2-in-1 coffee table swap for stashing your extra blankets and other most-use living room items.
  • Another piece of storage furniture that does wonders for your living room is having a TV console that doubles as extra storage for any of your electronics, movies, and other miscellaneous items.
  • If your bedroom is feeling a bit crammed, consider swapping your nightstands with ones that have a little more storage space. A triple drawer nightstand like this stunning one from Williams Sonoma does the trick and also looks incredible, too.
  • Floating or built-in shelves are another great idea for extra storage space. They help to visually break up an empty wall and also gives you a little extra space for displaying accessories, plants, books, and smaller items
  • If you’re okay parting with your current sofa or are on the hunt for a new one, consider looking into a sofa with extra storage. West Elm has a fantastic build-your-own sofa with options to add a chaise with storage.

Unique Cabinet Storage Ideas

Another way to efficiently increase the storage space within your condo is by taking advantage of all the cabinet space you can. Ways you can do this include:

  • Swapping out your current pantry or cabinet with a pull-out pantry. This ensures you can make the most out of your space without having to stack your grocery items and lose them when they make their way to the back.
  • Another cabinet storage hack is to be sure your cabinets go way up your ceiling. This gives the illusion of height and makes your kitchen space feel a little larger too. Even if they’re unreachable, these are great for holiday storage and other appliances you don’t frequently use.
  • Cutting board slots are great to organize and store your baking sheets, cutting boards, and muffin tins.
  • To relieve a little countertop space, consider moving your knife block into a cabinet drawer with cutlery/utensil dividers or other smart storage solution.

Decluttering Tips and Tricks

The idea of decluttering may seem overwhelming at first, but it can do wonders for your mental state and home. To make the process a little more manageable, there are a few tips our team recommends to help with your decluttering process:

  • Do a little each day or week. Breaking things up into smaller chunks makes it a little more stress free and manageable, especially if you have a lot to declutter. Also, take your time with this process. You’ll do a more efficient job if you work slowly.
  • Create a “maybe” box. There are always a few things that you can’t decide what to do with, so put them in a “maybe” box. Then, after going through the rest of your space, go back and revisit some of those maybe items. If you still can’t make up your mind, stash them away for a few months and if you haven’t thought about them or have needed to use them, it’s time to get rid of them.
  • Another decluttering process you could utilize when digging through your space is the infamous KonMari method by Marie Kondo. As you go through this process, ask yourself if any of the items you’re debating on “sparks joy”. If the answer is no, Marie Kondo says to thank the item for its use before donating or trashing it.
  • After you’ve cleared out most of your space, then it’s time to get things in order.  Add some storage solutions to keep your space clutter free, like drawer organizers, a vertical wine rack, and extra shelving.

Kitchen Organization & Storage Ideas

All the appliances, coffee mugs, and pantry items in your kitchen can quickly become overwhelming when you’re living in a smaller condo. Here are a few storage ideas to help you stay organized in your kitchen:

  • Expandable shelves are great for pantry organization. Having these help to make the most use out of the vertical space within your cabinets without having to stack everything and eventually lose them.
  • Glass food containers and bins are a fantastic kitchen storage idea that doubles as an organization hack. These are great so you can always have an up-to-date inventory of what’s in your pantry/fridge without having to keep throwing out your expired goods.
  • Lazy susans are another great kitchen organization hack. Here, you can house all of your spices, oils, and sauces within your pantry or fridge.
  • Plastic bag organizers are another huge organization hack for your kitchen. 
  • Modular drawer organizers are great for keeping your cooking and eating utensils in order so you’re not digging around every time.

Closet Organization for Your Condo

Another space in your condo that could always use some organization upkeep is typically your closet space. Even decluttering some of your clothes may not be enough for keeping your closet organized. Here’s a few things to help with your closet storage for your condo:

  • If possible, installing built-in shelves and drawers does wonders to your closet space. Shelves for shoes, drawers for pants, and stacked hanging space for your dress shirts really help to make use out of all the vertical space within your closet.
  • If that’s not in the cards, consider adding a dresser below your hanging items. 
  • Lots of the closet wall space tends to sit empty, but make use out of those empty walls and add hooks to house things like purses, hats, ties, or belts.
  • Once you’ve found a happy space within your closet, consider adding a trash/donation bin for future items so that your closet can keep clutter free. A great rule of thumb to use is the 1 in 1 out rule, or for every new piece of clothing you add to your wardrobe, one piece gets donated or discarded.

Car Storage Tips

While it’s technically not a part of your condo, car storage is another heavily used space that could always use some storage and organization hacks to keep it clutter-free. When looking to pare down and organize your automobile, here are a few storage tips you can use:

  • This one is especially great for kids, but adding a shoe organizer to the back of the front passenger seat is a fantastic storage hack. Here, you can house toys, snacks, cleaning wipes, and many other small things.
  • If you’re always making grocery trips and have plastic bags galore, consider stuffing an empty tissue box with your plastic bags.
  • A car trash can does absolute wonders at keeping your car super clean and hiding all of those snack wrappers and empty water bottles.
  • A pop-up trunk shelf is great for extra organized storage space. Having this added shelf is ideal so you don’t have to lay groceries on top of one another and almost crush the eggs.

Living in a condo has many perks, but sometimes endless amounts of storage isn’t one of them. Thankfully, there are plenty of ideas you can use to help mitigate that, from storage furniture to utensil dividers, and everything in between.

If you’re looking for a new condo with a little extra space, you came to the right place. The Luxury Living Chicago Realty team is here to help you find the perfect condo with ample storage space so you can live clutter free. Connect with us today to get started or follow the link below!

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New East Bucktown, Chicago Condos for Sale at Triangle Square Condos

The trendy Bucktown neighborhood makes a phenomenal place to call home. Quieter than living in the heart of downtown, but still complete with plenty of conveniences and activities. It’s hard to say no to this neighborhood.

New East Bucktown, Chicago Condos for Sale at Triangle Square Condos

If you’re considering Bucktown Chicago condos for sale, look no further than Triangle Square Condos, developed by the renowned Belgravia Group.

This brand new collection of 72 exceptionally designed homes in East Bucktown is now on the market and ready for new residents to move in this holiday season. You don’t want to miss out on all that these condos and this neighborhood offer residents.

You can find this gorgeous condo building at the intersection of Webster and Elston Avenue, at 1701 West Webster Avenue. The condos offer an ideal location, overlooking the North Branch of the Chicago River. Residents are right in between Bucktown and Lincoln Park.

Triangle Square sits on four acres and will soon be home to condos, apartments and retail shopping. The shops at Triangle Square will include approximately 35,000 square feet of future retail space along Elston Avenue. Talk about ultimate convenience.

These condos provide many options for residents, with multiple floorplans to choose from that include two- to three-bedroom units with options for dens or office space.

Residents can expect upscale, modern living. The building is uniquely constructed with industrial elements, modern finishes, and premium amenities.

Every home features wide-open living areas, abundant natural light, contemporary kitchen cabinetry, integrated appliances, and expansive islands with quartz countertops. There is also the option for private balconies or terraces.

The building provides access to a gorgeous rooftop terrace with incredible city views, a state-of-the-art fitness center, bike storage, dog wash station, secure package room, individual storage lockers and more.

Imagine being the very first person to live in one of these luxury condos?

Well, we can help you turn this dream into a reality. If you’re interested in Triangle Square Condos or searching for other Bucktown condos for sale, contact Luxury Living Chicago Realty. We have a team of eager and experienced real estate brokers ready to help you in your hunt for the perfect home!

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Are Condos Cheaper Than Apartments? Explore the Cost Differences

Are condos cheaper than apartments? Let’s dive into the cost differences between these two living options to see.

Are Condos Cheaper than Apartments?

Costs of Living in an Apartment

Many people opt into apartment living if they’re not in a place to make a significant commitment to a home. It’s an excellent option for those who may move in the near future or desire more time to save up.

Leasing an apartment certainly comes with less up-front costs than purchasing a home. Once you find the apartment of your choice and receive approval, all you usually have to pay is the first month’s rent along with a security deposit.

From there, tenants only have to pay the agreed-upon monthly rental cost, utilities, and sometimes renter’s insurance depending on the lease.

The owner of the property covers all the maintenance and major insurance costs. This financial setup takes the burden off the renter, which is another reason some people appreciate the ease of apartment living.

Costs of Living in a Condo

Purchasing a condo will likely cost you more up-front, but this option can also make a wise investment and reap a greater reward.

A home buyer can expect to put down a sizable downpayment when they close on the property.  They also may be responsible for additional expenses, such as closing costs.

If the buyer takes out a loan, they must also pay the monthly mortgage, depending on the property price and the determined interest rate.

On top of these initial costs, condos require insurance costs and monthly or annual homeowner association (HOA) dues. While HOA membership may increase owners’ out-of-pocket expenses, the HOA helps maintain the community and improve the value of the properties.

Weighing the Costs Over the Long-Run

Despite the higher costs that come at the beginning of a condo purchase, owning a condo is a wise choice that can bring about a return on investment.

While monthly rental costs are subject to increase over time, a fixed mortgage rate will ensure that your mortgage stays the same over time, regardless of fluctuation in the housing market.

Additionally, the monthly mortgage costs halt once you pay off your condo. Regardless of how long you live in an apartment, those monthly rental costs are perpetual.

Appreciation and tax benefits can also incentivize folks to make a condo purchase. As a home appreciates, it accrues faster than a stock might because you get the appreciation on the entire home’s value, not just the gain on your down payment cash invested. Also, homeowners can deduct mortgage interest and property taxes when they file tax returns each year.

While the answer to “are condos cheaper than apartments?” isn’t black-and-white, you can rest assured that purchasing a condo can be a smart and strategic investment, especially if you have an experienced broker guiding you through the process.

Are you ready for condo living? Reach out to Luxury Living Chicago Realty to get started on your condo search today.

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Neighborhood Match-Up: South Loop vs. Chicago Loop

Are you comparing South Loop vs. Chicago Loop? These two downtown communities offer unique living experiences. See which one is right for you!

South Loop vs. Chicago Loop

The Chicago Loop is truly the heart of the Windy City. It’s the hub of downtown and considered the central business district. This area is home to some of Chicago’s biggest companies. 

Beyond being a hot spot to work, tourists and residents enjoy plenty of activities and attractions in this bustling area.

The Loop is technically bounded by Lake Street (north), Wabash Avenue (east), Van Buren Street (south), and Wells Street (west). However, people often use this term to refer to downtown Chicago generally, particularly the area enclosed by the Chicago River, Michigan Avenue, and Congress Parkway.

As its name implies, South Loop sits directly below the Loop, also right along Lake Michigan. While South Loop houses popular Chicago attractions and businesses, the neighborhood is considered more residential and less business-centric than the Loop. 

The two distinct living areas in South Loop include Museum Park and Printer’s Row.  Museum Park offers a sprawling lakefront community of brand-new high-rise buildings with popular venues and museums. Printer’s Row offers a bit more character featuring former printing plants and publishing houses converted into contemporary lofts and condos.

Attractions and Activities

Living in the Loop places some of Chicago’s most iconic attractions in your backyard. This neighborhood boasts the popular Millineum Park and is home to the infamous Cloud Gate (aka the Bean), Crown Fountain, Lurie Garden, and the Jay Pritzker Pavilion that hosts an array of concerts and festivals. 

The Loop also boasts Maggie Dailey Park, the Chicago Theatre, and the Chicago Cultural Center, as well as several live music venues, boutique shops, and world-class restaurants.

South Loop doesn’t disappoint when it comes to attractions either. Here, you have direct access to the Shedd Aquarium, Adler Planetarium, the Field Museum, Soldier Field, and plenty of shopping destinations, endless dining options, and a wide array of coffee shops. Plus, South Loop’s Grant Park offers many historic landmarks and hosts numerous events and festivals throughout the year.

Where to Live

If you’re drawn to the Loop, consider one of these condos:

Those who gravitate to the urban experience but see themselves in the South Loop neighborhood, consider these homes:

Whether you’re still weighing South Loop vs. Chicago Loop, or you’re ready to find your dream home, let Luxury Living Chicago Realty help. We have experts who can match your goals to the right neighborhood today!

Still deciding which Chicago neighborhood is right for you? Follow the link below!

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Neighborhood Match-Up: West Loop vs South Loop Chicago

Deciding whether to live in West Loop vs. South Loop Chicago is a tricky one, but the Luxury Living Chicago team is here to help you make your decision. Read on to discover some of what makes each neighborhood unique.

West Loop vs. South Loop, Chicago

Formerly known as the factory and warehouse hub, West Loop has gone through a transformation throughout the recent years and is now home to many of the city’s best restaurants, shops, and brand new living spaces. West Loop borders Grand Avenue on the north side, I-290 on the south side, Ashland and Ogden on the west side, and the Chicago River on the east side.

Just a tad right from West Loop sits South Loop. Full of historic charm with modern amenities, South Loop is a fantastic place to call home. Many trendy restaurants and shops are within walking distance. South Loop is also within close proximity to Soldier Field, Museum Park, and Printers’ Row. Directly south of the Chicago Loop, South Loop is bounded by Cermak, Michigan Avenue, the Chicago River, and Congress Parkway-Eisenhower Expressway.


You definitely won’t be starved of fantastic food if you choose to go with either of these Chicago neighborhoods.

The West Loop neighborhood houses Chicago’s famous Restaurant Row, a vibrant strip lined with some of the city’s best eateries. One of which, Bar Siena, is a lively Italian bar and restaurant with a casual patio to enjoy the summer nights. City Winery is another place to catch live music while tasting wines alongside their incredible food menu. Both of these restaurants are also just two of the many dog-friendly restaurants throughout West Loop.

South Loop is also home to many popular dinner restaurants and prime spots for lunch. Tapas restaurant, Mercat a la Planxa, offers an authentic dining experience that blends fresh meats and produce with the spirit of Barcelona. Burger Bar is a great spot for lunch in the South Loop. Here you can get handcrafted burgers, fresh cut fries, and hand-spun milkshakes.


Both West Loop and South Loop are bustling when it comes to nightlife.

West Loop has plenty of upscale cocktail bars and bars with games and live entertainment to make for an exciting weekend, every weekend. Visit PunchBowl Social to enjoy your favorite beverage alongside a game of bowling, vintage arcade games, or private karaoke. If you’re more in the mood for an upscale cocktail bar with live jazz performances, Lazy Bird does not disappoint.

South Loop is also known for their many popular brewpubs and cocktail bars. If you’re searching for a pet-friendly microbrewery with rotating seasonal beers, Motor Row Brewing has quite a few. In the mood for something a little classier? Try the M Lounge. This candlelit martini lounge features live Jazz performances and a menu with fine spirits and specialty martinis. 

Arts & Culture

If you’re looking for a heavy emphasis on arts & culture, look no further than Chicago’s West Loop and South Loop neighborhoods.

The trendy West Loop neighborhood is scattered with many impressive art galleries, including The McCormick Gallery, Carrie Secrist Gallery, and Sarah Raskey Fine Art. Here you can explore a wide array of artwork from many Chicago-based artists.

There are also plenty of art galleries to peruse throughout the South Loop as well, including Elephant Room Gallery and Chicago Art Exchange.

Shopping & Activities

Both South Loop and West Loop neighborhoods offer an endless list of shops and activities for residents and tourists alike.

South Loop offers some great options when you’re looking to upgrade your wardrobe. Roosevelt Collection Shops is one of the neighborhood’s hot spots and is home to many household brands, including Banana Republic, Nordstrom Rack, LOFT, and more. Michigan Avenue is also not far from the South Loop, offering an endless array of boutiques and name-brand stores. When you’ve shopped til you’ve dropped, be sure to snag a pick-me-up from one of South Loop’s many coffee shops

West Loop also has their fair share of boutique-shopping and local coffee joints. In addition to those, this booming neighborhood also has some of the best music halls and venues to enjoy live music. The Bassment in West Loop has a hidden entrance, giving you all the speakeasy feels; and Cobra Lounge is a microbrewery/music venue duo for all the craft beer lovers in the area. 

Available Condos

Both West Loop and South Loop offer exceptional places to live. Check out some of the available condos:

The Reed Southbank – This luxury South Loop building offer one-, two-, and three-bedroom layouts with a 2-acre riverfront park.

1400 Monroe – These two and three-bedroom luxury residences in West Loop blend luxury living with a top-notch location right across from Skinner Park.

Embry – Nestled in West Loop, this premier condo building boasts top-notch walkability, brilliant design by Kara Mann, and exclusive amenities including a putting green, indoor/outdoor fitness center, and an oversized chess board.

Looking to explore more of Chicago’s neighborhoods? View our Chicago neighborhood guide below!

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Neighborhood Match-Up: River North vs. Streeterville

Comparing River North vs. Streeterville is tough. Both neighborhoods provide phenomenal urban experiences in the heart of the Windy City. Let’s walk through the similarities and distinctions to understand better which community is the best fit for you.

River North vs. Streeterville

River North is a bustling area with rich history and activities, attracting plenty of young professionals, artists, and foodies. The neighborhood is bounded by Chicago Ave to the north, Michigan Ave to the east, and the Chicago River to the south and west. It is currently ranked as the fastest and largest growing neighborhood in Chicago.

Streeterville neighbors River North directly to the east and is bounded by the river on the south, the Magnificent Mile portion of Michigan Avenue on the west, and Lake Michigan on the north and east. Streeterville offers impressive walkability to popular attractions and the lakefront, making it a hot spot for tourists and residents. However, those who work outside the neighborhood may find the public transit options more limited than River North.


Both River North and Streeterville have colorful pasts.

River North truly began to evolve into the neighborhood it is today after the 1871 Chicago Fire. Afterward, it quickly rebuilt and introduced municipal buildings, housing for workers, warehouses, shipping facilities, and railroad tracks. Eventually, the industrial area became a warehouse district, with the construction of the Merchandise Mart, a 25-story building storing many of the city’s goods. While it struggled through the Great Depression, in 1945, Joseph P. Kennedy revitalized and re-opened Merchandise Mart to the public. It’s been a thriving spot since.

From the 1920s to the 1960s, River North lost many of its residents to the Chicago Suburbs. However, things turned around in the 1970s when artists reclaimed the area when they discovered low real estate prices and large spaces, beginning the River North Gallery District. Old abandoned buildings were repurposed into galleries, studios, offices, apartments, shops, and restaurants.

Streeterville’s name comes from the infamous Captain George Streeter, a man whose crazy life directly shaped the outcome of the Streeterville neighborhood we know today. Over a decade after the Great Fire, the area known as Streeterville was still recovering, and Lake Michigan became a dumping ground for contractors trying to clean up.

Around this time, Streeter used some of the “waste” to set up a sand bar Shanty in Lake Michigan. For 40-years, a dramatic battle unfolded among Streeter, the City of Chicago, and the actual owner of the land, millionaire Kellogg Fairbank, for the rights of the land.

In the end, Captain Streeter’s efforts to keep the land were unsuccessful, but his legacy remains in the neighborhood’s name.


The River North gallery district attracts plenty of creative residents and tourists alike. This district is centered around the intersection of Franklin and Superior Streets and bounded by Wells, Chicago, Orleans, and Huron Streets. Around these streets, you can find plenty of unique and imaginative art galleries.

River North also offers some of the city’s best restaurants and bars scattered throughout the area.

Both River North and Streeterville put residents next to Michigan Avenue, opening the door to some of the country’s top-notch shopping, from Saks Fifth Avenue to Gucci.

Living in Streeterville also puts Lake Michigan, Navy Pier, Centennial Wheel and the Shakespeare Theatre in residents’ backyard, making the area a fun spot to call home. Not only are there plenty of things to do and see in this neighborhood, but there are also several fantastic restaurants and cocktail bars to try out as well.

Available Properties

You can’t go wrong choosing River North vs. Streeterville. Here are some properties in both neighborhoods that are worth checking out.

One Bennett Park – 451 E. Grand – These ultra-luxe Streeterville homes offer two to four-bedroom residences with custom interiors and sweeping views of Lake Michigan and the city skyline.

One Chicago – 1 W Chicago – This brand-new River North development is currently under construction, but will house 77 elegant condo residences just blocks from the Chicago lakefront.

Renelle on the River – 403 N. Wabash – Situated in a prime River North Location, these sleek homes offer impeccable amenities, including an outdoor terrace with fire place, private screening room, yoga room, and more.

If you’re ready to find your dream home, connect with a Luxury Living Chicago Realty expert who can match your goals to the right neighborhood or follow the link below to compare them for yourself!

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Neighborhood Match-Up: Old Town vs. Gold Coast

Let’s take a look at Old Town vs. Gold Coast.

Old Town vs. Gold Coast

Both Chicago neighborhoods offer unique advantages and living experiences.

Neighborhood Overviews

Old Town sits directly south of Lincoln Park, bounded by Division Street to the south, North Avenue to the north, Clybourn Avenue to the east, and Larrabee Street to the west.

The residential neighborhood features Victorian-era buildings, brick alleyways and narrow, tree-lined streets. Old Town boasts fantastic public transit options and impressive weekend itineraries, including hot dining spots, bars, and comedy clubs. The community provides undeniable energy, attracting plenty of young and vibrant residents.

Gold Coast sits directly east of Old Town right along Lake Michigan and is roughly bounded by North Avenue, Lake Shore Drive, Oak Street, and Clark Street. This picturesque and affluent neighborhood offers the same charm as Old Town, with a bit more luxury. It also feels a bit quieter and laidback than the Old Town area.


Old Town is one of Chicago’s most historically rich and lively areas and is home to some of the city’s oldest buildings.

German-Catholic immigrants began settling into the Old Town neighborhood in the 1850s. They began farming cabbage, potatoes, and celery in the area, earning it the nickname “the cabbage patch,” which stuck until the early 1900s.

Old Town is one of the only areas in Chicago to survive the Old Town Fire. Afterward, it began to grow, initially attracting many artists and even playing a part in World War II. After the war, the area was known as “North Town” and began hosting art fairs called “Old Town Holiday.” Eventually, the name evolved into its current name, “Old Town.”

In the late 1800s, The Gold Coast neighborhood was called the Astor Street District, after John Jacob Astor.  While Astor never actually resided in Chicago, his achievement as one of the wealthiest men in the United States at the time earned him recognition and an entire neighborhood named after him. 

This name helped to attract other wealthy families and individuals to the area. Potter Palmer was among these wealthy people who also played an instrumental role in developing the Gold Coast. 

After the Chicago Fire in the late 1800s, Potter purchased a large amount of land and eventually converted the swampy land into a strip of desirable property along the Lake, now known as Lake Shore Drive.

Dining & Nightlife

While Old Town and Gold Coast both offer excellent evenings out, both give off different vibes.

Gold Coast is known for its upscale dining and drinking options, especially around Rush Street. Popular restaurants in this area include Tavern on Rush, Carmines, and Lux Bar.

The dining scene in Old Town feels a bit more laid back, often attracting a younger crowd. Many popular bars and restaurants line Well Street, including the Vig and Happy Camper. Most of the bars in this area stay open pretty late on weeknights. 

Shopping & Activities

The Gold Coast area is a popular activity in and of itself, as many people enjoy sunbathing on Oak Street Beach, touring the original Playboy Mansion, and shopping the day away.

Gold Coast’s shopping scene is one of luxury. Along Oak Street, the neighborhood’s retail hub, you’ll find some of the city’s most upscale shopping, with high-end brands like Hermes, Barney, Jimmy Choo, and Tory Burch.

A day in Old Town is well spent visiting the Chicago History Museum, seeing a show at Second City or Zanie’s Comedy Bar, or lounging at North Avenue Beach. In June, the Old Town Art Fair and the Wells Street Art Festival become hot events for the neighborhood.

When it comes to Old Town Shopping, this area is known for its small boutiques along Wells Street.

Where to Live

Consider these luxury condo units within the charming Gold Coast Area:

  • 505 N McClurg Court #606–  This one-bedroom offers over 1,000 square feet, floor-to-ceiling windows, and unprecedented water and city views.
  • 40 W Schiller Stree #1B– This tastefully renovated two-bedroom, two-bathroom duplex is situated at one of the neighborhood’s most picturesque intersections.

If you’re drawn to the Old Town neighborhood, check out these condos for sale:

  • 88 W Schiller Street #1209L- This spacious Northwest corner unit offers a spacious one-bedroom with a huge balcony for killer views and plenty of sunlight. 
  • 70 W Burton Pl #2204– Located steps from Wells Street, this sunny east-facing one-bedroom delivers an open floor plan with city and lake views.

With more insight into Old Town vs. Gold Coast, be sure to connect with a Luxury Living Chicago Realty expert who can match your goals to the right neighborhood.

Still searching for the right neighborhood fit? Check out our Chicago neighborhood comparison guide below.

Compare Chicago's Best Neighborhoods

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